Rage Machinery

“The rage machinery” has been conceived as an almost static action where I will talk about the adiction as a mechanism of compensation of lost or never learned personal strategies

We men are not allowed to express emotions. Since our childhood we are taught the idea that “men do not cry”, and every child who violates this rule is less of a man than the others, or his sexuality is put into question, suspected as “queer”, something worse than being a woman, since it implies treason to the male gender as a whole.

Crying is a biological mechanism which, once we have admitted the pain in ourselves, allows us to start the path of its normal integration in our life. Not admitting the pain in ourselves implies not admitting the others pain, and eliminates the capacity for empathy

Since they are biological ingredients, repressing the emotions gives rise to distorsions which, most often in the case of men, end up in addictions.

Substance abuse reveals a wish to fill up what cannot be filled up, to cover what canot be covered, to silence what cannot be silenced.

Rage distorsion often becomes violence against the others, and always violence against ourselves.

In this action I will perform by throwing 40 liters of wine over myself glass after glass, a useless attempt of filling up, of finish with the emptiness that not recognition of pain rise. By marking me externally, the wine will establish a further barrier between me and the world

20 knitting needles “nailed” to my mouth will perform the distorted rage, a round-trip rage against the others and against me. The rage which blocks the connection of my tube with the rest of the empty tubes which populate the planet.

Rage Machinney in Séte in a video by Joakim Stampe "What's performance art?"

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